I'm in love . Tingling fingers, butterflies in the stomach, and one-track mind kind of love. I feel this way when I come up with a new paper concept. I forget to eat until what I've been thinking about non-stop is in front of me, and then I even take it to bed and sleep with it next to me on the night stand. Then I hold it in my hands and turn it every which way. Sometimes a concept like this takes months for me to iron out the kinks. My paper cupcake was like that – I had to take numerous breaks because I just wasn't happy with the lid and couldn't share it with the world until it was ready to be seen. This time for my paper cactus, it was so different. I made just one mock up for the cactus and nailed it on the second. I love the way the contrast of sheer vellum allows light to pass through it, accenting its fragility. Yes, the spikes are painted (both sides) and it took some time, but I really didn't mind. They're like building blocks and then when I see the...