Protect Your Quilled Cards with a Cushion of Air Do you want to shield your precious quilling as you hand deliver a greeting card? Then I have a simple solution for you! In the past, I've simply used an extra large envelope, letting the excess size accommodate the bulk of the quilling strips. The bulge was not great, but it got the job done fast. I did worry about squishing more fragile quilling designs though, because obviously the envelope is touching my quilling as it's going in and out. I've also purchased sturdy boxes designed for jewelry to offer great protection for mailing. You can watch the video I made about it here . It was certainly more expensive to buy those boxes, and I'd do it for a special occasion like a wedding or for mailing; but I had to buy several of them at a time from a store that I don't visit often, which meant they sat in my closet, taking up storage space. So imagine having a quick envelope on hand that completely surrounds your quilling...