This is another of my big quilling projects, along with the quilled flowers on black velours background. The design is mine, from beginning to end. In this quilling picture I tried to reproduce a few species of Israeli flowers that bloom in February through April. Here they are, left to right:
- yellow Lupin(e),
- red Poppy,
- white Iris,
- purple Maltese Cross Ricotia (Egyptian honesty),
- white Chamomile,
- yellow Dandelion,
- pink Cyclamen,
- dark purple Cloven-Petalled Campion.
Besides the flowers, there's also a quilled Gonepteryx butterfly (also known as brimestone) and a ladybug. For this project I mostly used 1/16"-wide strips (1.5mm); but for the ladybug, foliage, and lupin flowers popular 1/8"-wide (3mm) strips were used. I cut-out the leaves of the chamomile using small scissors. Size of the finished artwork: 9x9 inches (23x23cm). Sorry, no close-up photos this time :(
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