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Quilling a housewarming card

Some friends have a new home so I wanted to quill a "Happy Housewarming!" card for them.

I glued the heart outlines first to set the boundaries. Then I trimmed a popsicle stick on an angle to match the heart angle and set that in place. When making the house, I realized it was too big for the space and trimmed it down – I do that often. Just eyeball and adjust on the go. Same with the birds. They were too large at first, so I made them smaller by making the tails longer.

I used Aunt Berni's left over strips, and wow, it was fun! Why? By using what she had on hand, I was forced to use the colors on hand in whatever size was there. I don't normally use so many colors in this way and am happy with how lively and vibrant it turned out.

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Quilling Lowercase Letter m - How to Outline Tutorial for a Monogram

Quilling Lowercase Letter m - How to Outline Quilling the lowercase letter m can get tricky with all those curves. If you look closely, the two curves on the inside are slightly slanted, and I couldn't achieve it by regular rubbing, so I had to do it another simple and easy way. Watch how in my latest tutorial video. Download a free template and try quilling the  Lowercase Letter a Quilling Lowercase Letters  can be purchased in my shop Thank you for commenting on my blog or YouTube channel. Reading your enthusiasm is what motivates me to keep coming up with more ideas. If you end up making something, please show me – I'd love to see it! Review of Quilling Lowercase Letters:

25 DIY Recycling Ideas

Here are 25 of my recycling ideas with tutorials!   Hier sind 25 meiner Recycling-Ideen mit Anleitungen!  3D Letters / 3-D Buchstaben: Newspaper Bird Cage / Zeitungs Vogelkäfig:   Book Stand / Buchständer:   Bracelet / Armband:   Wineglass Lampshade / Weinglas Lampenschirm:   Cupcake Stand / Cupcake-Ständer:   decorated Flowerpots / dekorierte Blümentöpfe:   Fork to Garden Scraper / Gabel zu Fugenkratzer:   Heart Vase / Herz-Vase:   Leaves Lights / Laub-Licht:   Milk Carton = First Aid / Milchkarton = Erste Hilfe: Monster Balls / Monster-Bälle:   Organizer / Organizer:   Heart out of newspapers / Herz aus Zeitungen:   Phone Holder / Smartphone-Ständer:   Plastic Bottle to Mini Purse / Plastikflasche zu Täschchen:   Puzzle Hearts / Puzzle Herzen:   Recycling Art / Recycling Kunst:   Rubber Boots = Flower Pots / Gummistiefel = Blumentöpfe:   Shelf / Regal:   Spoon Plane & Spoon Bird /...

Captain Hook's hook, recycling kids craft

Do you buy every toy you child wants to play with? Even if you know it won't last long? I don't think so. I'll show you how to make Captain Hook's hook in 5 minutes, if your kids are playing pirates. You will need a disposable cup, preferably a paper one. You will need also a piece of cardboard, for example a used box. Fold the cardboard in two and cut a hook out of it. Glue the two halves of the hook together, leaving approx. 2 cm (3/4 inch) unglued at its bottom end. Fold those unglued ends outward, you will glue them to the cup later on. Wrap the hook in aluminum kitchen foil and attach it to the cup, gluing the flaps you made in the previous step to its bottom. Make holes in the cup for better ventilation. Let's play now! You may also paint the cup according to your (i.e. your child's) taste.