I had the pleasure of meeting Irena a few years ago on FaceBook. She recently did me the honor of reviewing my quilling book and there is no better sense of a complete circle when I see someone making a quilled item from my book, Pretty Quilled Cards . The first project she tackled was the baby rattle card, because she was enjoyed the inner flourishes. In a single glance, I can see she has such great control of her paper. Her tension is so evenly matched. I'm grateful she gave me permission to showcase some of her work on my blog. Thank you for giving me your precious time, Irena! I'm so happy to read your kind words about my book. Your reaction is everything I had hoped for, as I wrote it during that year. ~ Cecelia I quite enjoyed her pine needles and Christmas bells card , shown here. That's a keeper for sure! I like her lilac card more than the one I made , because the fullness of the petals gives the true sense of a 3D shape. Sometimes more is more, and especially ...